A numerical simulation method based on the displacement mode of entirety for plain crack structure
Received:October 17, 2016  Revised:January 11, 2017
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KeyWord:numerical simulation  extended finite element method  element free Galerkin method  entire displacement mode  stiffness matrix  crack
郭聪 中国工程物理研究院 总体工程研究所, 绵阳
罗景润 中国工程物理研究院 总体工程研究所, 绵阳
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      A new kind of numerical simulation method for plain crack problem is proposed in the paper which is based on the displacement mode of the entire structure on the consideration of the insufficiency of XFEM and EFGM. In this method,trial functions are constructed within the whole solution area,meanwhile the crack modification terms are introduced in to describe the singularity on the crack tip and the displacement gap on the crack surfaces.This paper also proposes a new kind of method for the displacement boundary problem by introducing displacement level set function and involving the displacement boundary condition in the formula of the approximate displacement field,thus the stiffness matrix size is reduced and the singularity of the matrix is eliminated.As a result the difficulty to solve the linear equation set is decreased.A numerical example of a rectangle plate with crack validates the method.