A regular domain collocation method based on barycentric interpolation for solving plane elastic problems in irregular domains
Received:December 07, 2016  Revised:April 06, 2017
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KeyWord:irregular domain  plane elastic problem  regular domain collocation method  barycentric Lagrange interpolation  differential matrix  collocation method  least-square method
王兆清 山东建筑大学 工程力学研究所, 济南
纪思源 山东建筑大学 工程力学研究所, 济南
徐子康 山东建筑大学 工程力学研究所, 济南
李金 山东建筑大学 理学院, 济南
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      By embedding the irregular domain into a rectangular domain,the governing equations of plane elasticity problems in a rectangular domain are discretized by the differentiation matrices based on barycentric Lagrange interpolation to form a system of algebraic equations.Using barycentric interpolation to discrete boundary conditon on the boundary nodes,the regular boundary conditions are imposed by replacement method,and the irregular boundary conditions are imposed by additional method to form an over-constrainted linear system of algebriac equations.The least-squares method is applied to obtain the displacements on the regular domain.Any nodal displacements in the irregular region can be evaluted by interpolating with barycentric interpolation.The errors of the presented method are calculated in irregualar region.The numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed method has advantages of simple computational formulations,being easy to program and high precision.