Effect of confining pressure and diametrical force on stress intensity fracture in central cracked disk
Received:February 21, 2017  Revised:March 24, 2017
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KeyWord:fracture mechanics  weight function method  finite element method  stress intensity factor  Brazilian disk
董卓 大连理工大学 土木工程学院, 大连
唐世斌 大连理工大学 土木工程学院, 大连
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      The Brazilian disk is a widely used specimen to study the fracture behavior of mixed mode crack (I-Ⅱ),however,most studies neglect the influences of contact behavior of crack surfaces on the stress intensity factors (SIFs).In this study,an analytical solution of SIFs in central cracked Brazilian disk specimen subjected to both confining pressure and diametrical force is proposed.This solution is derived from the weight function method,and considers the effect of friction on the crack surfaces.The results show that the confining pressure has a great influence on the mode I stress intensity factor,which decreases with the increase of confining pressure.Furthermore,they also indicate that the confining pressure and friction coefficient greatly affect the mode Ⅱ intensity factor when the crack is closed.The analytical and numerical results show good agreement with each other.