Layout optimization method for stiffeners of plate structure
Received:December 29, 2016  Revised:May 04, 2017
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KeyWord:stiffened plate  layout optimization  stiffener lateral movement  natural frequency  maximum deformation
王栋 西北工业大学 航空学院, 西安
李正浩 西北工业大学 航空学院, 西安
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      A two-stage optimization method is proposed for optimal layout (position and size) design of stiffeners in a thin-walled structure.The design objective is to maximise of the structural natural frequency subject to the deformation constraint when the stiffened plate is loaded externally.First,for the purpose of a simple solution of the optimization problem,the stiffeners are modeled approximately as a series of elastic point supports such that the lateral movements of the stiffeners in the plate can be carried out efficiently upon the design sensitivity analysis.By the stiffeners' movements,the natural frequency of the stiffened plate can be improved significantly while its weight is retained essentially in the position optimization process.Next,the stiffener sizes are redesigned to meet the static deformation constraint.It will be seen from the numerical examples that the proposed method for optimal stiffener layout design can work very well to enhance the structural mechanical properties.