Transient heat conduction analysis by the numerical manifold method and the precise time integration
Received:December 15, 2016  Revised:April 12, 2017
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KeyWord:transient heat conduction  numerical manifold method  precise time integration  temperature  two-dimensional
张慧华 南昌航空大学 土木建筑学院, 南昌
韩尚宇 南昌航空大学 土木建筑学院, 南昌
胡国栋 南昌航空大学 土木建筑学院, 南昌
谭育新 南昌航空大学 土木建筑学院, 南昌
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      Owing to the unique dual cover systems,i.e.,the mathematical cover system and the physical cover system,the numerical manifold method (NMM) is predominant method in domain discretization.As for the precise time integration method (PTIM),it is of high accuracy,absolutely stable,immune from oscillation and the solution is independent of the time step size.In this paper,the NMM,combined with the PTIM,is developed to study two-dimensional (2D) transient heat conduction problems.Based on the governing equations and associated boundary conditions,the NMM discrete equations for the considered problems are derived using the modified variational principle.The details of the PTIM and also the spatial integration scheme are presented for the solution of the time-dependent system of equations.To validate the proposed method,two typical numerical examples are carefully examined.The simulated results show that the 2D unsteady heat conduction problems can be efficiently and accurately tackled by the present approach.