Based step factor improved Guide-weight method for solving topology optimization problems
Received:June 13, 2016  Revised:July 20, 2017
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KeyWord:topology optimization  Guide-weight method  step factor  density compensation  OC
陈垂福 福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院, 福州
杨晓翔 福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院, 福州
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      The Guide-weight method combined with SIMP theory was used to solve topology optimization problems.In order to define the step factor of iterative formula,two variable step factor control method was proposed,automatically determining the step factors of each iteration referring to structural optimization index.Density compensation method was also introduced,automatically determining the timing of density compensation based on the structural optimization index.The classical topology optimization case was presented to prove the superiority of the two step factor control method.The difference between OC algorithm and Guide-weight method was found by analyzing the elongate beam problems and the experiment result of the two step factor control method with and without density compensation were compared.The experimental results show that the two step control method can bring a better solution and improve solving efficiency.The Guide-weight method can get a more closed global optimal solution compared with the OC algorithm,and the density compensation method can further improve the efficiency of Guide-weight method.