Wind effect analysis of super-high structure based on convolutional non-viscously damped system
Received:November 30, 2016  Revised:January 22, 2017
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KeyWord:damping  non-viscously damping model  super-high structure  wind effect  differential quadrature algorithm
吕蒙 哈尔滨工业大学 深圳研究生院, 深圳
段忠东 哈尔滨工业大学 深圳研究生院, 深圳
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      Compare with the structural mass and stiffness in the finite element method,structural damping characteristics is still ambiguous.With the development of new materials and structural systems,as well as the rising requirement for computer simulation,exploration of damping mechanism and development of new damping models are indispensable.Based on a non-viscous damping model,in which damping force is related to the velocity time history,and solution by a differential quadrature algorithm,the wind-induced response of a super-high building is computed and compared with the commonly used proportional viscous damping model.The damping behavior of the non-viscous model is analyzed,and a relaxation effect of the model to the responses is investigated.In addition,a solution procedure based on the differential quadrature algorithm is established to apply the non-viscous damping model to large-scale complex structures.This procedure is integrated into a commercial finite element software package for analyzing structural dynamic responses.