Numerical simulation of flow around oscillating bluff body based on immersed boundary method
Received:June 30, 2016  Revised:July 26, 2016
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KeyWord:immersed boundary algorithm  oscillating square cylinder  bridge section  aerodynamic characteristic
杨青 常州工学院 常州市建设工程结构与材料性能研究重点实验室, 常州
曹曙阳 同济大学 土木工程防灾国家重点实验室, 上海
齐永胜 常州工学院 常州市建设工程结构与材料性能研究重点实验室, 常州
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      In conventional CFD method,dynamic mesh technique is always used in numerical simulation of flow past vibrating bodies,which would inevitably create a huge task of grid regeneration.To deal with this situation,Immersed Boundary Method (IBM),which can compute the moving boundary on the stable gird,is adopted in this paper to promote the calculation efficiency.The computation of flows around a harmonically oscillating square cylinder (Re=UD/v=103,constant oscillating amplitude,varying oscillation frequency) and a bridge section (Re=UB/v=7.5×103,varying oscillating frequency and amplitude) in transverse mode is carried out respectively to analyze theiraerodynamic characteristics.Preliminary research results indicate that the length of lock-in region is 0.06~0.2 when oscillating amplitude is fixed to 14% of the square cylinder's height.The vortex shedding of oscillating square cylinder moves back to stable condition beyond Stc=0.2.Mean drag coefficients of the oscillating bridge section under different oscillating amplitudes all reach maxmum values near the stable vortex shedding frequencies whereas mean lift coefficients of the oscillating bridge section all come back to zero at this point.