Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows past stationary particles
Received:April 06, 2016  Revised:October 22, 2016
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KeyWord:turbulent flow  multiphase flow  fully resolved particle  DNS(direct numerical simulation)
吴凡 浙江大学 能源工程学系, 杭州
罗坤 浙江大学 能源工程学系, 杭州
樊建人 浙江大学 能源工程学系, 杭州
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      In simulating gas-solid multiphase flows,traditional point-particle model will not be applicable when the scale of the solid is beyond the Kolmogorov scale,for the surface and the volume effect will significantly affect the fluid phase.With DNS(direct numerical simulation)-immersed boundary method,flows with different turbulent intensities past a stationary cube particle larger than the turbulent Kolmogorov scale are simulated.The boundary effect exerted by the particle on the turbulence and the forces endured by the particle are analysed.