Parametric effects on drag moments of a flow between two cylinders in a micro-gyroscope with a liquid-filled rotor
Received:April 26, 2016  Revised:August 25, 2016
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KeyWord:micro-gyroscope  drag moment  spectral element-Fourier method  Navier-Stokes equations  direct numerical simulation
孙健 中国航天空气动力技术研究院, 北京 ;清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京
许春晓 清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京
黄伟希 清华大学 航天航空学院, 北京
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      A simplified computational model is developed so that a spectral element-Fourier method with spatial exponential convergence property is introduced as a direct numerical simulation method for a complex flow between two cylinders in a micro-gyroscope with a liquid-filled rotor.In cylindrical coordinate system,the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is solved through using a Galerkin spectral element method both in radical and axial directions,and the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre nodal expansion is implemented in each standardized element while the Fourier series expansion is used in azimuthal direction.Based on a specified baseline numerical example,the effects of several parameters,namely the ratio of height to radius,rotating velocity and viscosity coefficient,on the drag moments of the inner cylinder lateral surface and end surface are investigated and analysed.Results show that the two drag moments increase with these parameters and both contributions to the total drag moment are comparative in magnitude order.