Practical analytical solution of deflection influence line of clamped parabolic arch bridges with uniform section
Received:March 09, 2016  Revised:September 12, 2016
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KeyWord:bridge engineering  parabolic fixed-end arch bridge  deflection influence line  elasticity center method  practical analytical solution
杨雨厚 广西交通科学研究院有限公司, 南宁 ;长安大学 公路学院, 西安
刘来君 广西交通科学研究院有限公司, 南宁
孙维刚 广西交通科学研究院有限公司, 南宁
郝天之 长安大学 公路学院, 西安
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      In order to overcome the complexity in determining deflection of a parabolic arch using the analytical expression of arch length in differential form,an approximate curve that has a simple differential expression of its arc length to fit a parabola is considered to be the best way.Ultimately,the best fitting suspension curve is obtained according to the values of the curvature sum of three kinds of curves.On this basis,the analytical formula for calculating deflection influence line of clamped parabolic arch bridges with uniform section is derived based on fundamental mechanics principles,and then applied to an example.The results are compared with finite element analysis results.Numerical results show that the values obtained by the analytical formula are different from the finite element results by less 1%.Thus the analytical formula satisfies the engineering requirement and can be used in engineering practice.