Fuzzy mathematics based strategy for selecting of the patched left-handed metamaterial microstructures
Received:May 15, 2016  Revised:September 12, 2016
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KeyWord:optimal design  left-handed metamaterial  microstructure design  multi objective optimization  fuzzy math
史鹏飞 大连理工大学 运载工程与力学学部 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
高仁璟 大连理工大学 运载工程与力学学部 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
刘书田 大连理工大学 运载工程与力学学部 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
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      In this paper,the mechanism for selection of the microstructures of the patch left-handed metamaterials based on fuzzy math is proposed.A set with different topological configurations is obtained from the existing left-handed metamaterials structures.The characteristics of each structure in the set is mapped to[0,1] interval through a certain subordinate function.The degree of the membership represents each structure's conformity to the designing demand.According to the membership degree of the fuzzy objectives and constraints,the fuzzy superiority set is obtained,which can be used to represent the suitable structures for the demand.The determination of the subordinate function of each fuzzy objective and constraint is discussed.In order to validate the feasibility of the method,one set containing the structures with different topology configurations and another consisting of the fork-shaped structures with different size are established.For different objectives and constraints,the superiority of the corresponding set is calculated.The result indicates that the proposed structure selection method can find the required structure configurations.