Method for structural reliability analysis based on generalized Lambda distribution approximation
Received:May 25, 2016  Revised:November 20, 2016
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KeyWord:generalized Lambda distribution  approximation  failure probability  central moments
范兴朗 浙江工业大学 建筑工程学院, 杭州
董玲珑 杭州市市政公用建设开发公司, 杭州
吴熙 浙江大学城市学院 工程学院, 杭州
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      A method for structural reliability analysis based on generalized Lambda distribution was proposed.The first four moments for the performance function of structures were estimated by the sampled data firstly.Then the approximate generalized Lambda distribution for the probability density function of the performance function was determined by point estimation method and the failure probability of structures was evaluated by the definition of structural reliability directly.Numerical case studies showed that the generalized Lambda distribution has excellent ability to match several famous distributions.Finally,the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method were verified by comparing with the Monte-Carlo simulation results of two engineering examples.