Numerical analysis on the adhesion property of rigid track on the soft ground with low moisture by discrete element method
Received:March 18, 2016  Revised:August 27, 2016
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KeyWord:discrete element method  rigid track  low moisture  soft ground  micro-analysis
杜永浩 国防科学技术大学 交通运输工程系, 长沙
高经纬 国防科学技术大学 交通运输工程系, 长沙
姜乐华 国防科学技术大学 交通运输工程系, 长沙
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      Soft ground with low moisture has the property of low viscosity and high friction.When a rigid track operates on a dry soil,the numerical simulation model of soil is established and verified according to the triaxal test together with the reasonable parameters selected in discrete element method (DEM).Analysis of the adhesion property of the rigid track on this kind of soft ground with low moisture is conducted through numerical traction tests.Micro-analysis indicates that adhesive force decreases with the grouser backward arranged and the adhesive effect perpendicular to the driving direction cannot be neglected.Revealing the essentially discontinuous medium of soil particles under dynamic loads,discrete element method is capable of simulating the mechanical properties of soft ground with low moisture better,which is suitable for the numerical study of dry and incompact soil conditions.