Reinforcement layout optimization design using the genetic adding evolutionary structural optimization
Received:January 19, 2016  Revised:March 04, 2016
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KeyWord:adding evolutionary structural optimization (AESO)  genetic adding evolutionary structural optimization (GAESO)  nonlinear analysis  complex-stress members  reinforcement layout optimization design
张望喜 湖南大学 土木工程学院, 长沙
黄星 湖南大学 土木工程学院, 长沙
刘霞 湖南大学 土木工程学院, 长沙
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      The adding evolutionary structural optimization(AESO)started from an initial base,the effective material was gradually added,and the final optimal structural form emerged finally.It worked quickly but easily fell into a local optimal solution.In order to improve the ability to find the global optimal solution,the evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) is combined with the genetic algorithm (GA) in this paper,the genetic adding evolutionary structural optimization (GAESO) is proposed,using the genetic theory of biological evolution in the selection of adding materials.On the nonlinear analysis platform in ANSYS,GAESO was used in the reinforced-concrete separating model to explore the reinforcement layout optimization design of complex-stressed members.The reinforcement layout optimization design was completed intuitively of some deep beams,deep beams with opening and shear walls with opening under the loads and some stress constraints.The results agree with the loading mechanism,the evolving direction is right and the reinforcement layout is arranged clearly.Comparison with the outcome of the genetic evolutionary structural optimization (GESO),the similarity,feasibility,fast-convergence,and the stability of the algorithm were confirmed.The algorithm in this paper can provide a reference to the design of reinforcement in concrete.