Research on fractional order models of rock rheology
Received:January 29, 2016  Revised:June 15, 2016
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KeyWord:rock  fractional order  rheology  fitting frequency range  parameters identification
张杰 湖南省水利水电科学研究所 长沙
魏永强 湖南省水利水电科学研究所 长沙
仇学明 湖南省水利水电科学研究所 长沙
石贤增 合肥市市政设计院有限公司 合肥
周星德 河海大学 土木与交通学院 南京
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      In the paper, the Kelvin rheological model is utilized as research object, and a Kelvin model with fractional order(FO) is suggested. First, the integer order(IO) derivative of the model is replaced by a fractional order one. The fitting frequency range of FO model is determined considering that the fundamental natural frequency of common rock is lower than 1000 Hz. And then the FO mode is transferred into IO one by Ouslop filter algorithm. Secondly, experimental data are used to identify the unknown parameters in the FO model, and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is adopted to solve the strong nonlinear equations. Thirdly, a precise expression is acquired by Laplace inverse transformation. Finally, an example is used to show the efficiency of presented method.