Three-dimensional explicit finite element code and shock initiation application
Received:January 17, 2016  Revised:May 04, 2016
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KeyWord:finite element method  explosives  shock initiation  reaction rate function
张家雷 中国工程物理研究院 流体物理研究所 绵阳
刘仓理 中国工程物理研究院 绵阳
王伟平 中国工程物理研究院 流体物理研究所 绵阳
谭福利 中国工程物理研究院 流体物理研究所 绵阳
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      Shock and explosion calculations are widely used in military and civil engineering. Based on explicit finite element theory, a three-dimensional hydrocode used for structure's shock and explosive's initiation is developed in this paper. The material model, state equation, explosive reaction rate function and contact-impact algorithm are all included in this code. Using object oriented programming methods, the code is easy to be modified, and has a simple program structure. Firstly the Taylor bar test is simulated and the results are compared with experiment data and DYNA2D calculation. It is found that numerical simulation results are in good agreement with experimental results. Then the shock initiation of bare explosive and confined explosive are simulated with this code. To validate the code, the simulated results are compared with AUTODYN results. The predicted shock initiation and detonation behaviour is almost the same as that from the commercial software program. The code can be used to analyse the initiation of explosive, which is also easy to be developed in the future.