Crack stress intensity factor of wire with surface crack based on sub-model method
Received:November 25, 2015  Revised:May 02, 2016
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KeyWord:wire  sub-model method  surface crack  stress intensity factor
乔燕 宿迁学院 建筑工程系 宿迁
缪长青 东南大学 混凝土及预应力混凝土结构教育部重点试验室 南京
孙传智 宿迁学院 建筑工程系 宿迁
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      The crack stress intensity factor is an important parameter for wire fatigue fracture assessment, wire fatigue crack growth analysis and wire fracture strength assessment. In this paper, the crack extension analysis software FRANC3D was introduced firstly, then the stress intensity factor of wire with surface crack was studied under tensile loads based on sub-model simulation method, and the types of cracks include semicircular semicircular crack and linear crack, and the shape correction coefficient expression of stress intensity factor was fitted under tensile loads. The causes of errors by using this formula when evaluating strength were analyzed. The results show that the precision of calculating stress intensity factor is higher compared with the existing research results, and the method had higher calculation speed, and the demand for computer hardware is low, and when the safety performance of cables for cable-supported bridge is evaluated using the stress intensity factor obtained by this method, the result is more accurate.