Singular boundary method based on time-dependent fundamental solution for 2D Scalar Wave Equation
Received:November 18, 2015  Revised:June 13, 2016
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KeyWord:singular boundary method  time-dependent fundamental solution  wave equation  boundary discretization method  origin intensity factor
陈文 河海大学 工程与科学数值模拟软件中心 水文水资源与水利工程国家重点实验室 力学与材料学院 南京
李珺璞 河海大学 工程与科学数值模拟软件中心 水文水资源与水利工程国家重点实验室 力学与材料学院 南京
傅卓佳 河海大学 工程与科学数值模拟软件中心 水文水资源与水利工程国家重点实验室 力学与材料学院 南京
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      The singular boundary method(SBM)is a recent boundary-type collocation method with the merits of being meshless, integration-free, mathematically simple, and easy-to-program. This study makes the first attempt to extend the SBM with time-dependent fundamental solution to scalar two-dimensional wave equation. By using the inverse interpolation technique, an empirical formula is proposed to determine the origin intensity factor of the time-dependent SBM for the two-dimensional wave equation with Dirichlet boundary condition. We also introduce a non-singular integral approach to address G singularity of fundamental solution. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the present scheme shows visible advantages in terms of the accuracy and efficiency.