Studying of Mach wave radiation in an axisymmetric supersonic jet using nonlinear disturbance equations
Received:September 29, 2015  Revised:February 22, 2016
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KeyWord:nonlinear disturbance equations  linear stability  supersonic jet  instability waves  Mach wave radiation
郭娜 天津大学 机械工程学院 力学系 天津
方一红 天津大学 机械工程学院 力学系 天津
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      Theoretical investigations have described the growth and decay of instability waves that give rise to Mach wave radiation. In present work, the intense Mach wave radiation by the linear instability waves of a perfectly expanded, axisymmetric jet with an initial centerline Mach number of Ma=2. 1 are computed by solving nonlinear disturbance equations. Using linear stability theory, we demonstrate that it is essential to properly address the source of Mach wave radiation. It is also shown that, in supersonic axisymmetric jet, the radiated Mach waves are most intensive in a fixed direction which is perpendicular to the Mach wave front. The intense and location of Mach waves radiation emitter are changed with St numbers. All of our results are in good agreement with direct computations and theoretical analysis.