Finite element analysis on the effect of web reinforcement on shear failure of reinforced concrete continuous deep beams
Received:October 31, 2015  Revised:April 11, 2016
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KeyWord:continuous deep beams  nonlinear finite element analysis  web reinforcement  design code  strut-and-tie model  Three-Parameter Kinematics Theory
易伟建 湖南大学 土木工程学院 长沙
黄斌 湖南大学 土木工程学院 长沙
陈晖 湖南大学 土木工程学院 长沙
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      The considerations of the effect of web reinforcement on shear strength of reinforced concrete deep beams by the current Chinese code are mainly based on the tests and models of simply supported deep beams, and their applicability to continuous beep beams remain unproven. The influence of web reinforcement on the shear mechanism is very complicated, and the systematic experiments, which lead to scattered results, are rare. In order to make up for the shortcomings of experimental analysis, nonlinear finite element method (FEM) is adopted in this paper for modeling the shear behaviour of reinforced concrete continuous deep beams. The finite element models are built up in ATENA software, and they are validated with the test results. On this basis, another 64 models beams in different web reinforcement ratios and shear span-to-depth ratios are analysed to study the influence of web reinforcement on shear strength of continuous deep beams. And the results of the finite element analysis are compared with the results from the code equation, strut-and-tie model (STM) and the recently proposed Three-Parameter Kinematics Theory (3PKT), which shows that the Chinese code overestimated the contribution of horizontal web reinforcement on the shear strength, and both STM and 3PKT have shortcomings.