Nonlinear analysis of bearing-rotor system with base movements
Received:August 19, 2015  Revised:June 12, 2016
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KeyWord:nonlinear oil film force  bifurcation  oil whirl  base movement  combination resonance
王睿 王睿学学部 大连 ;沈阳鼓风机集团股份有限公司 沈阳
郭杏林 王睿学学部 大连 ;大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 大连
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      Nonlinear dynamics characteristics of bearing-rotor system are necessary to be investigated for centrifugal machines in design stage as well as nonlinear response of the system subjected to base move-ments. The simplified model with multi-freedom-degree is applied to perform the numerical simulation. The nonlinear model of oil film bearing is taken into account in motion equations. The adaptive step method of Runge-Kutta-Felburg is applied to solve the differential equations. The artificial sine wave acceleration is considered as base movement input to the system. The Poincaré maps, bifurcation diagrams and cascade maps are used to investigate the dynamics of vertical rotor system. Combination resonance behavior which due to both rotational speed and base movement is discovered by the Fast Fourier Transform. The results yield not only nonlinear characteristics of the pump rotor, but also combination resonance under base movements.