Aerodynamic characteristics on the wing with rough strip
Received:October 08, 2015  Revised:January 11, 2016
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KeyWord:trip disk  wing  CFD numerical simulation  flow regimes division  viscous sublayer
彭程 中国航天科工集团 第三研究院无人机技术研究所, 北京
张江 中国航天空气动力技术研究院, 北京
董金刚 中国航天空气动力技术研究院, 北京
秦永明 中国航天空气动力技术研究院, 北京
魏忠武 中国航天空气动力技术研究院, 北京
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      Base the shape of wedge and wing,the CFD numerical simulation method is adopted to study the variation of the aerodynamic characteristics and boundary layer when the rough strip at different situations of the wedge surface with the same thickness,the roughness element in the paper is trip disk.For the F16 wing,the theoretical analysis and numerical simulation is combined to analyze the aerodynamic characteristics of wing which with rough strip and find the acceptable height of roughness element.According to the analyzing results,based on the improved shape of flat plate,the influence degree of the aerodynamic characteristics of objective bulk will be found for different rough strip thickness,the fluid development condition of local rough region can be got.To validate the veracity of the numerical simulation,the results of S-A and SST model are compared in this paper.The paper work has directive significance to the variation of the aerodynamic characteristics of the local rough surface that the roughness is caused by complicated atmospheric environment.