A rapid reduced basis method for analysis of interval parameter structural reliability
Received:September 19, 2015  Revised:March 15, 2016
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KeyWord:reduced basis method  interval reliability  Monte Carlo simulation  finite element method
张正 吉首大学 物理与机电工程学院, 吉首
毕仁贵 吉首大学 物理与机电工程学院, 吉首
李剑 吉首大学 物理与机电工程学院, 吉首
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      A rapid method is proposed for computing interval reliability of uncertain structures by combination of reduced basis method and Monte Carlo simulation.The method is divided into two parts off-line and on-line.In off-line part,the reduced space and reduced model are constructed using reduced basis method.Then in on-line part,the formed reduced model is incorporated into Monte Carlo simulation for efficiently computing the interval reliability and corresponding parameterized reliability region.This method can reduce computational time and improve efficiency,since it deals with interval reliability problem in reduced basis space rather than finite element space.The example in the paper illustrates feasibility and validity of this method.