Research on isoparametric interpolation for finite element with non-matching nodes and its application
Received:October 01, 2015  Revised:March 08, 2016
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KeyWord:iso-parametric interpolation  non-matching node  heterogeneous mesh  the finite element analysis
方锡武 南京工程学院 机械工程学院, 南京
贾丙辉 南京工程学院 机械工程学院, 南京
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      The non-matching nodes on the contact interface of two heterogeneous meshes can cause discontinuous transition of the nodal property.Aiming at this problem,the isoparametric interpolation method for finite element with non-matching node is proposed in this paper,it can realize continuous transition of the nodal property on the interface of the two meshes by constructing the new shape functions of the non-matching nodes and fixing the shape functions of the other nodes,which can limit the effect of nodal property to local minimal areas.This method is validated correctness and efficiency by an experiment that the nodal property having a continuous transition on the interface between two heterogeneous meshes with quadrilateral elements,and it has already been used to analyze the contact effect between meshing gears,the results of this method highly agree with the theoretical calculation.