GAMG method for higher-order finite element discretizations of modeling weak discontinuities problems
Received:September 03, 2015  Revised:February 06, 2016
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KeyWord:weak discontinuities problems  higher-order elements  conditioner number  two-level method  algebraic multigrid method
肖映雄 湘潭大学 土木工程与力学学院, 湘潭
王彪 湘潭大学 土木工程与力学学院, 湘潭
李真有 湘潭大学 土木工程与力学学院, 湘潭
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      Weak discontinuities problems (such as inclusion problems) are important problems in solid mechanics calculation.Higher-order finite element method is a method which can ensure the accuracy of the numerical solutions near the interfaces.However,they have much higher computational complexity than the linear elements.In this paper,we present a new algebraic multigrid method (GAMG) for higher-order finite element discretizations of the weak discontinuous problems based on some geometric and analytical information by using two-level method.The resulting GAMG method is then applied to the solution of the single inclusion problem in a circular domain.Numerical results have been shown that the iteration counts of the new GAMG method do not substantially depend on the size of the problem,the number of elements and the discontinuity of Young's modulus with compared to those commonly used GAMG methods,and the CPU time is also improved obviously.Thus,the overall efficiency of the finite element analysis is greatly improved for modeling weak discontinuities problems.