Research on stress analyzing approach of internal threads based on simplified-model simulation
Received:August 19, 2015  Revised:November 25, 2015
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KeyWord:internal thread  thread root  stress concentration  maximum stress  fatigue strength
龙旦风 一汽解放汽车有限公司无锡柴油机厂, 无锡 ;清华大学 机械工程系, 北京
黄成海 一汽解放汽车有限公司无锡柴油机厂, 无锡
徐卫国 一汽解放汽车有限公司无锡柴油机厂, 无锡
向东 清华大学 机械工程系, 北京
王一江 一汽解放汽车有限公司无锡柴油机厂, 无锡
江伟 一汽解放汽车有限公司无锡柴油机厂, 无锡
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      Internal threads in mechanical parts are in general the weak links as to fatigue strength.However,simplified FEA models without threads rather than detailed models with threads are usually used in engineering application due to modeling difficulty,heavy computational burden and numerical convergence problems of detailed models,and thus the stress concentration at thread roots is ignored in such simulations.For this reason,a state-of-the-art calculation approach of the stress at internal-thread roots is proposed.In this approach the stress at the internal-thread root is decomposed into a near-source component and a far-source component,and correspondingly the concepts as well as obtaining technique of near-source stress conversion matrix and far-source stress conversion matrix are put forward,with which the simulation results of the simplified model can be converted to the near-source stress and far-source stress and they are summed to get the maximum stress at the thread root.Calculation results show that the stress conversion approach attains the accuracy of simulation with detailed models basically.Especially at the position easily to fatigue,namely the root of the first engaged thread near the bottom of the screwed hole,the results from the stress conversion approach agree well with those from the detailed model simulation,in consequence the validity and the accuracy of the stress conversion approach are demonstrated.