Research on optimization of horizontal wells with separated production scheme in low permeability reservoir
Received:July 29, 2015  Revised:November 09, 2015
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KeyWord:low permeability  horizontal well  horizontal interval  separated production scheme  genetic algorithm  reservoir/wellbore coupling model  optimization model
刘珊 中国石油大学华东 理学院, 青岛
苏玉亮 中国石油大学华东 理学院, 青岛
刘浩 中石油东方公司研究院 海外业务部, 涿州
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      For the separated production scheme of horizontal well in low permeability,using the potential superposition principle,the mirror image principle and the theory of infinitesimal line congruence,two reservoir/wellbore coupling models were built up,including no flow boundary and bottom water-drive boundary.And the threshold pressure gradient was considered in these new models.Taking the production as the objective function and taking the length and location of horizontal intervals as the optimization variables,two new optimization models for horizontal well with selective completion are built.Applying the genetic algorithm and writing the numerical stimulation software,seven optimized schemes are proposed.