Buckling and modal analysis of coupled parallel flexible plates in an axial flow using the finite differential method
Received:May 15, 2015  Revised:September 11, 2015
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KeyWord:parallel plates  axial low  transverse vibration  buckling instability  finite differential method
董宇 湖南工业大学 土木工程学院, 株州
杨翊仁 西南交通大学 力学与工程学院, 成都
鲁丽 西南交通大学 力学与工程学院, 成都
文华斌 西南交通大学 力学与工程学院, 成都 ;四川理工学院 理学院, 自贡
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      The stability of the parallel plates with simply supported (or clamped) boundary conditions in uniform axial flow were studied.Flow viscosity and elastic damping are neglected,and the flow around the plates is assumed potential.The governing equations of coupled parallel flexible plates in axial flow were derived.The finite differential method was employed to discrete the governing equation and the flow potential function.The governing equation can be expressed as the function of structural transverse vibration displacement by the matrix operations.The eigenvalue method was used to analyze the results of the coupled parallel flexible plates,the results of which show that the models with simply supported (or clamped) boundary conditions undergo buckling instability when flow velocity reaches the critical value.The effects of their relative distance and the number of plates on critical flow velocities were discussed.The first mode of the coupled parallel flexible plates is not the in-phase mode.