Three-dimensional isogeometric analysis based on Bézier extraction
Received:September 03, 2015  Revised:October 06, 2015
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KeyWord:Isogeometric analysis  NURBS  Bézier extraction  Bernstein polynomial  FEM
来文江 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京
余天堂 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京
尹硕辉 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京
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      Isogeometric analysis (IGA) uses non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) functions as shape functions of finite element method (FEM),so that IGA has some advantages such as exact geometrical representation,high-order continuity and high accuracy.Unlike shape functions in FEM is C0-continuity,in high-order IGA,the basis functions are not confined to one element,but span a global domain,so the programming is complicated and which cannot be embedded into existing FEM framework.In this paper,a three-dimensional IGA based on Bézier extraction is developed,which decomposes NURBS functions to a set of Bernstein polynomials,thus C0 continuous Bézier elements,which are similar to Lagrange elements,can be obtained.Hence,the implementation of IGA is similar to that of conventional FEM,so that IGA can be embedded in existing FEM software easily.Two examples are given to illustrate the IGA based on Bézier extraction has the same convergence rate and accuracy as those in the conventional IGA.