Structural damage identification based on ABC algorithm with variable search strategy
Received:May 11, 2015  Revised:September 18, 2015
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KeyWord:damage detection  ABC algorithm  multiple search strategy  natural frequencies  modal assurance criteria
丁政豪 中山大学 力学系, 广州
吕中荣 中山大学 力学系, 广州
刘济科 中山大学 力学系, 广州
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      A technique for structural damage detection based on the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm with variable search strategy based on modal data is presented.More search strategies are offered and the bee will choose one search mode based on the tournament selection strategy.Such change can enhance the algorithm's convergence rate and accuracy.The frequencies residual and MAC are utilized to form objective function,the ABC,QABC and proposed method are used to solve the nonlinear optimal problem,and acquire identified results.The optimal solution can represent the real situation of the structure.A numerical example (a 61 bar truss structure) is utilized to investigate the efficiency of proposed method.An experimental work (a supported beam) is also referenced for further verification.Final results show the ABC with variable search strategy can acquire better identification outcome,compared with ABC and QABC,even when some modal data is polluted by the artificial noise.