Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracturing
Received:March 24, 2015  Revised:August 22, 2015
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KeyWord:hydraulic fracturing  dual-media  fracture-stress-seepage coupling
刘传奇 清华大学 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室, 北京
薛世峰 中国石油大学华东工程力学系, 青岛
孙其诚 清华大学 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室, 北京
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      Hydraulic fracturing is a process which fractures initiate and propagate due to hydraulic loading applied by fluid inside the fractures.To simulate the process is a great challenge because of the strong nonlinear coupling between the viscous flow of fluid and fracture propagation.In this work,a crack model based on the combined finite-discrete element method is built.The transition from continuum to dis-continuum can be efficiently simulated.In order to simulate fluid flow in the porous media and fracture,a dual-media model is created.In the model,fracture flow works as the pressure boundary condition of pore flow,while,pore discharge counteracts hydraulic head calculation.A fracture-stress-seepage coupling mechanical model is created based on the crack model and flow model mentioned above which are validated in some cases.The process of hydraulic fracturing is analyzed.Using a variety of numerical methods,a computer program is coded to simulate the process.The result is compared with another one simulated by distinct element method.The advantages and drawbacks of the proposed numerical model is discussed in details.