Two-dimensional elasticity solutions for in-plane free vibration of annular plates with elastically restrained edges
Received:June 03, 2015  Revised:February 24, 2016
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KeyWord:annular plates  in-plane free vibration  dimensionless frequency  elastically restrained edges  DQM
蒲育 兰州工业学院 土木工程学院, 兰州
赵海英 兰州工业学院 土木工程学院, 兰州
滕兆春 兰州理工大学 理学院工程力学系, 兰州
韩国强 兰州工业学院 土木工程学院, 兰州
杨晔 兰州工业学院 土木工程学院, 兰州
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      Based on the two-dimension theory of linear elasticity and applying Hamilton's principle,the in-plane free vibration of governing differential equations for annular plates are obtained.Applying differential quadrature method (DQM),the frequencies of in-plane free vibration of annular plates with elastically restrained edges are investigated.All the classical boundary for in-plane displacements can be simulated by setting the stiffnesses of the restraining springs to either zero or infinite.The results presented in this paper has illustrated the analytical method was effective and accurate by comparison of previously reported results with those published in literatures.Finally,The influence of the boundary conditions,geometrical parameter,and stiffness coefficients on the dimensionless frequencies of the annular plates are fully investigated.