Nonlinear dynamic time history analysis of pile-groups-soil-structure based on elsto-plastic model
Received:March 19, 2015  Revised:July 19, 2015
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KeyWord:pile-groups-soil elato-plastic model  dynamic impedance  nonlinear time history  dynamic analysis  simplified nonlinear spring-dashpot element
熊辉 湖南大学 土木工程学院, 长沙
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      A pile-soil elato-platic model is provided.Combined with dynamic Winkler model,the spring-dashpot dynamic impedance related to pile(raft)-soil attributes and the frequency of SSI system is derived.A simplified three dimensional interaction finite element analysis model of soil-frame structure is established and nonlinear dynamic time history analysis is performed for this model under different seismic excitation and different conditions of pile-soil.The result shows that under certain ground motion and soil-foundation conditions,nonlinear effect of the upper structure can be greater than fixed base assumption and pile-group-soil soft support model also influences the weak layer position on upper structure.By using the simplified method,the designers can carry out dynamic time history analysis and seismic evaluation for the superstructure quickly,accurately and efficiently.