Numerical simulation of 3D dam-break flow using smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Received:May 13, 2015  Revised:August 25, 2015
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KeyWord:smoothed particle hydrodynamics  3D numerical simulation  dam-break  obstacle
许晓阳 陕西理工大学 数学与计算机科学学院, 汉中 ;西北工业大学 应用数学系, 西安
任胜章 陕西理工大学 数学与计算机科学学院, 汉中
邓方安 陕西理工大学 数学与计算机科学学院, 汉中
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      We present a numerical simulation of 3D dam-break flow with smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH).In order to reproduce the phenomena of splashing and coalescence to the life,the turbulence model,i.e.,the mixing length model is implemented in the SPH code.In order to prevent fluid particles from crossing the walls,we propose an improved treatment technique of wall boundary,which is suitable for 3D numerical simulation.3D dam-break flow is numerically simulated by the improved SPH method.In particular,both cases,i.e.,without any obstacle and with a cylindrical obstacle are considered.It is demonstrated that the improved SPH method can nicely capture the variation of the free surface and well describe the dynamic process of dam-break flow with accurate and stable results.