Void growth in a pressure-sensitive dilatant solid——applications to shale rocks and polymers
Received:May 19, 2016  Revised:June 13, 2016
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KeyWord:pressure sensitivity  shale rocks  polymer  void growth  internal pressure
唐山 重庆大学 航空航天工程学院, 重庆
郭田福 新加坡科技研究局 高性能计算研究院, 新加坡
彭向和 重庆大学 航空航天工程学院, 重庆
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      This paper deals with the study of an internally pressurized void whose matrix,such as rock and poly-meric materials,exhibits pressure-sensitive yielding and plastic dilatancy.The macroscopic behaviors of porous solids are studied by numerical axisymmetric spherical and cylindrical unit cell analyses at finite strains subjected to Cauchy-type internal void pressure.Results show that pressure-sensitivity and internal pressure have a strong influence on void growth and coalescence.For the spherical unit cell,a shift from a general axisymmetric deformation state to uniaxial straining does not occur though it is generally observed to be the onset of void coalescence in cylindrical unit cell.Furthermore,an upper bound model developed for a porous solid with a pressure-sensitive dilatant matrix is verified by the presented numerical cell analyses at finite strain.