A multi-threaded parallel algorithm for quality improvement of tetrahedral meshes
Received:May 19, 2016  Revised:June 20, 2016
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KeyWord:mesh generation  quality improvement  unstructured mesh  parallel algorithm  multi-threaded
尚萌萌 浙江大学 工程与科学计算研究中心, 浙江大学 航空航天学院, 杭州
郑耀 浙江大学 工程与科学计算研究中心, 浙江大学 航空航天学院, 杭州
陈建军 浙江大学 工程与科学计算研究中心, 浙江大学 航空航天学院, 杭州
朱朝艳 浙江大学 工程与科学计算研究中心, 浙江大学 航空航天学院, 杭州 ;浙江大学 宁波理工学院, 宁波
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      A multi-threaded parallel version of a sequential quality improvement algorithm for tetrahedral meshes is proposed.The sequential algorithm combines mesh smoothing operations and local reconnection operations;thus,different techniques are developed to parallelize both operations.The parallelization of mesh smoothing operations is based on an existing data decomposition technique,which colors the dual graph of the mesh to subdivide mesh points into a few independent sets.The parallelization of local reconnection operation is based on a new data decomposition technique,which defines a feature point in the interior of each local reconnection operation,and sorts the features points along a Hilbert curve.The decomposition of this Hilbert curve in order could result in a required distribution of local reconnection operations on active threads.This distribution features its ability to ensure that the regions of local operations concurrently executed in different threads are usually separated far away,so that the possibility of interference is reduced to a very low level.As a result,even if interference happens,we could simply withdraw those local reconnection operations that cause interference,and it was observed that no obvious negative impact was introduced by this simple strategy.Finally,numerical experiments are presented to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.