Design of cellular structures with multi-volume fractions using topology optimization
Received:June 02, 2016  Revised:June 13, 2016
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KeyWord:cellular structure  addition manufacturing approach  multi-volume fraction  topology optimization
仝立勇 悉尼大学航天、机械和机电工程学院, 澳大利亚悉尼
骆泉添 悉尼大学航天、机械和机电工程学院, 澳大利亚悉尼
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      This study presents a method for finding optimum topology of cellular structure made from one material using an appropriate addition manufacturing process and tailored with different volume fractions in different structural domains.The topology optimization problem is firstly formulated allowing multi-volume fractions in cellular structures.An algorithm based on MIS T with multi-thresholds is presented and interfaced with commercial finite element analysis software.Numerical examples for the minimum mean compliance problem with three volume fractions are presented to illustrate the present algorithm.The present numerical results show that,for the optimum topology design with three volume fractions,there exists an optimum combination that yields an additional 10% reduction in the minimum mean compliance when compared to the design with two volume fractions.