Relationship matrix of structural response functions' family in the beam and arch structures discovered by Prof.Qian Ling-xi (LING_HI TSIEN)
Received:May 15, 2016  Revised:June 15, 2016
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KeyWord:beam structure  arch structure  relationship matrix of structural response functions' family
隋允康 北京工业大学工程力学系, 北京
Hits: 1993
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      The main idea of the paper published by Prof.Qian Ling-xi,Chain Relationship between Distribution Chart and Induction Chart of Mechanical Response Functions in Beam and Arch Structures,is explicated in this paper.It points out that the relationship matrix of structural response function family is a horizontal development from three functions' relationship of mechanics of materials and an elevation towards beam and arch structures in essence.Therefore,this work of Prof.Qian's is a unique contribution to the fundamentals of mechanics.In addition,the paper also introduces three topics:(1) using the Green function method to solve a case of distributed load on the beam which was not studied by Prof.Qian;(2) the new contents of this work written into a "mechanics of materials" textbook by the author and his collaborators for the first time;(3) two examples solved using this method.