Received:December 07, 2014  Revised:July 25, 2015
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KeyWord:triangular transmission tower  latticed  fully structured grid  shape coefficient  shielding effects  flow interference
党会学 长安大学 建筑工程学院, 西安 ;中国电力科学研究院, 北京
赵均海 长安大学 建筑工程学院, 西安
张宏杰 中国电力科学研究院, 北京
牛华伟 湖南大学 风工程试验研究中心, 长沙
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      The crash down of transmission towers demands improved accuracy in wind load designing of ultra-high voltage transmission lines.Accounting to high fidelity simulation of flow around transmission tower,the applicability of fully structured multi-block grids for a triangular latticed tower section model is investigated by solving Navier-Stokes equations enclosed by k-ε turbulence model,shape coefficients from different standards are compared under designing tower,and shielding effects of this section model with complex flow interference are investigated.The results indicated that,fully-structured multi-block grids exhibit high orthogonality and conform well of this complex lattice tower section model;《BS8100》 gives conservative shape coefficients while these coefficients show similar trend comparing to both wind tunnel and numerical results;Induced by flow interferences among angle-steel trusses,the angle-steel bending forward shields much more seriously comparing to that bending leeward;the combination of leeward bending diagonal member and forward bending vertical bracing member,which induce flow interference between themselves,results in the most serious shielding performance.