Received:January 27, 2015  Revised:May 03, 2015
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KeyWord:isoparametric tube element  boundary element method  singular integral  element sub-division method
高效伟 大连理工大学 航空航天学院, 大连 ;大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
曾文浩 大连理工大学 航空航天学院, 大连
崔苗 大连理工大学 航空航天学院, 大连
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      When using boundary element method (BEM) to solve practical engineering problems,considerable error comes from the discretization error.To overcome this problem,an algorithm for using isoparametric tube elements in BEM is proposed based on the Lagrange interpolation formulation.This type of elements can well model the geometry with tube shapes and interpolate physical quantities defined on the tube surface.As a result,the discretization error can be reduced considerably.In addition,a new technique for eliminating singularities involved in the boundary integrals is also presented in the intrinsic plane when using the proposed isoparametric tube elements in BEM.Numerical examples show that the proposed elements have the advantages of less element discretization and high computational accuracy.