Received:October 26, 2015  Revised:December 22, 2015
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KeyWord:cable-driven parallel robot  wind tunnel test  kinematic positive solution  system stiffness  elastic deformation
王晓光 厦门大学 航空系, 厦门
马少宇 厦门大学 航空系, 厦门
彭苗娇 厦门大学 航空系, 厦门
林麒 厦门大学 航空系, 厦门
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      Based on the application of 6-DOF wire-driven parallel robot in wind tunnel test,the influence of wires' elastic deformation on pose precision of moving platform was analyzed.Considering that the wires can only apply tensile forces and no compression,the system stiffness and dynamic optimization of wire tension should be studied.First,the system stiffness matrix was derived,and a target function with stiffness enhancement in the main directions was built to get the dynamic optimization of wire tension.Then,numerical method was used to acquire the system's kinematic positive solution,and the pose error of aircraft caused by deformation and influence of two different kinds of wire modulus on system stiffness was analyzed quantitatively.Research results indicate that taken the stiffness enhancement as the optimal target is good for the improvement of system stability.Moreover,using wires with larger elasticity modulus can improve the system stiffness effectively,and reduce the pose error of aircraft caused by wire extension.The above results provide basis and reference for the improvement of mechanisms and high-precision force-position hybrid control of system.