Received:December 14, 2014  Revised:March 20, 2015
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KeyWord:aerospace structures  model updating  design of experiment  surrogate model  the 2-level optimization strategy
曹文斌 上海宇航系统工程研究所, 上海
章敏 上海宇航系统工程研究所, 上海
罗寅 上海宇航系统工程研究所, 上海
刘靖华 上海宇航系统工程研究所, 上海
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      With the development of China's aerospace industry, aerospace structures are becoming more complex.Assumptions and simplifications are often used for the finite element model(FEM),such as the connection stiffness of components,the effect of boundary conditions and uncertainty of material properties,therefore,there are some errors in the FEM.Based on the original FEM,the surrogate model can be established by design of experiment(DOE),and the 2-level optimization strategy can be used for model updating,which includes genetic algorithm and Gradient algorithm.On the other hand,before each iteration of model updating,the MAC(Modal Assurance Criterion) should be analyzed automatically,so that there is a match between the FEM model and result of this experiment.Analysis showed that the method has a higher accuracy,and the structural parameters can also be identified by using the method.