Received:December 15, 2014  Revised:April 04, 2015
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KeyWord:spur gears  solid particles  surface roughness  time-variant effect  thermal effect
黄兴保 青岛理工大学 机械工程学院, 青岛
王优强 青岛理工大学 机械工程学院, 青岛
Hits: 1976
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      The elasto-hydrodynamic mathematical model considering solid particles was established and Reynolds equation was revised.Numerical solutions of elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication in meshing region of spur gear teeth considering continuous wave roughness were calculated.The influences of solid particles and surface roughness on oil film pressure,film thickness and oil temperature were analyzed.Results show that continuous wave roughness may cause a certain range of fluctuation to film pressure and film thickness.Taking solid particles into account the film pressure increases and film thickness decreases.If velocity of solid particles becomes greater,film thickness may be thinner,the minimum film thickness diminishes,the maximum temperature rise may decrease to some extent,temperature rise in the region containing solid particles may diminish.When surface roughness wave length value is small,temperature rise in contact areas where film thickness is quite thin may be liable to be great.