Study on mechanical model for analysis of damaged steel structure
Received:November 04, 2014  Revised:December 01, 2014
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KeyWord:steel structure  damage  test  mechanical model  rotational spring model
胡习兵 中南林业科技大学 土木工程与力学学院, 长沙
杨雨薇 中南林业科技大学 土木工程与力学学院, 长沙 ;上海泰大建筑科技有限公司, 上海
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      In order to study the influence of different damage degree of steel to its elastic modulus under its secondary loading and unloading, eight groups of different damaged specimens of Q235 steel have been tested, and the mechanical models of these kinds of damaged steel are put forward in this paper.Based on the relationship of stress-strain of damaged cross section, the calculation formulas of average elastic modulus and damage index of different damaged cross sections have been deduced by defining the damaged nondestructive height ratio K of the section.Simulating the mechanical properties of the section with a rotational spring, the relationship of M-θ and the calculation method of rotational stiffness of damaged cross section have been deduced according to the stress-strain relations of damaged micro segment of beam, and the calculation model which can be used to analysis damaged steel structure is presented.The results of calculations show that damaged section reduces the stiffness of structure, and it cannot be ignored in practical engineering.