Modification of PR equation of state based on pseudo-potential Lattice Boltzmann model simulations
Received:September 26, 2014  Revised:December 23, 2014
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KeyWord:pseudo-potential Lattice Boltzmann model  PR equation of state  potential function  Maxwell law
曾建邦 华东交通大学 机电工程学院, 南昌
蒋方明 中国科学院 可再生能源重点实验室, 广州
胡安杰 重庆大学 动力工程学院, 重庆
李隆键 重庆大学 动力工程学院, 重庆
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      Exploring the effects of potential function on the saturated liquid and vapor densities of water calculated by pseudo-potential Lattice Boltzmann model (PLBM) based on PR equation of state (EOS).Choosing proper potential function form, the simulation results agree well with the Maxwell theoretical values, but there are noticeable differences existing between the simulation results and experimental data.The parameters in PR EOS need modifications.Analyzing the PR-type EOSs available in literatures, we find from simulations by PLBM that only modifications to the attractive or repulsive parameter in the PR EOS cannot increase the calculation precision of both liquid and vapor density, and at the same time enlarge the applicable temperature range of the PLBM.Therefore, we establish a more accurate PR-type EOS for saturated water and vapor by modifying both the attractive and repulsive parameters in the PR EOS based on PLBM simulations.