Decentralized sliding mode part output feedback control of building structures
Received:October 08, 2014  Revised:December 08, 2014
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KeyWord:building structure  decentralized control  sliding model control  output feedback  seismic response
董钢 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院, 合肥
王建国 合肥工业大学 土木与水利工程学院, 合肥
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      The large-scale structure was decomposed into a number of substructures and the interactions between substructures were regarded as bounded disturbances.A decentralized sliding mode part output feedback control was presented for the large scale building structure.Using linear matrix inequality (LMI) method, the existent condition of decentralized sliding mode output feedback control was derived.The stable decentralized output feedback control laws were presented.The non-linear control guarantees that the states reach and maintain the sliding surface and the linear part ensures the closed-loop substructure system asymptotic stability.The effectiveness of the proposed method was demonstrated by the numerical simulation of a 20-story steel structure under seismic excitations.Results show that the proposed method can effectively inhibit large-scale building structure vibration responses.The complex coordinate transformation of the traditional sliding mode design can be avoided by the present method.