Optimization of interior noise in vehicle based on iteratively updating approximation model
Received:February 04, 2015  Revised:May 23, 2015
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KeyWord:acoustic-structure coupling analysis  iteratively updating approximation model  K-mean cluster  vehicle interior noise  optimization
张博文 同济大学 汽车学院, 上海
吴光强 同济大学 汽车学院, 上海 ;东京大学 生产技术研究所, 东京 153-8505
黄焕军 同济大学 汽车学院, 上海
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      The vehicle interior noise was optimized based on acoustic-structure coupling analysis and the iteratively updating approximation model.Firstly, to reduce computation complexity, panel contribution analysis method was proposed to determine the design variables.Unit excitation was applied at the joint of vehicle body and left rear suspension, vehicle body and right front suspension seperately.The maximum sound pressure at the driver's right ear at aforementioned excitations were chosen as responses.Then the ensemble approximation model between the design variables and responses was established.The sequence quadratic programming algorithm and K-mean cluster was introduced to enhance the precision at the Pareto front.The results indicate that:iteratively updating approximation model can optimize the body structure to minimize the noise while ensure the lightweight.