Openings optimization layout of the multi-layer shear wall with small openings based on orthogonal decomposition
Received:October 29, 2014  Revised:December 15, 2014
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KeyWord:shear wall  small opening  orthogonal decomposition  mode decomposition  optimization layout
王东炜 郑州大学 土木工程学院, 郑州
陈娜 郑州大学 土木工程学院, 郑州
孙攀旭 郑州大学 土木工程学院, 郑州
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      Location and width height ratio of openings have dramatic impacts on the mechanical characte-ristics of the shear wall.Therefore, how to optimize the layout of openings is important to seismic design of shear wall with openings.Based on the orthogonal decomposition of deformation and vibration modes decomposition theory, this paper established an optimization model for multi-layer shear wall with small openings, with the minimum proportion of region based shearing deformation as objective function, the limits of lateral displacement, linear stiffness and size requirements of openings as constraint conditions.General solutions of openings optimal layout of the multi-layer shear wall with small openings was obtained under the constant opening rate condition with the gradual optimization method.The openings layout should be as symmetrical as possible along the midline.And the width-height ratio of openings should adopt the lower limit satisfying designing demands.