Structural reliability analysis based on chain-like Bayesian network
Received:October 24, 2014  Revised:December 01, 2014
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KeyWord:structural reliability  chain-like Bayesian network  improved branch-and-bound method  PNET  exact inference
吴子燕 西北工业大学 力学与土木建筑学院, 西安
王其昂 西北工业大学 力学与土木建筑学院, 西安
孙鸿宾 西北工业大学 力学与土木建筑学院, 西安
阳盛锋 西北工业大学 力学与土木建筑学院, 西安
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      This paper discusses a new computational framework for structural reliability assessment while traditional reliability method can't handle structure system with uncertain information.The Bayesian network approach is combined with the improved branch-and-bound methods to simplify the Bayesian network model.Turn the converging BN to the chain-like BN to improve its efficiency and to facilitate its application to the large structures.The system failure probability is computed with the PNET while the correlations between the failure sequences are considered.The structure reliability assess with the BN inference when new information was available.A truss structure with 10 bars is analyzed to illustrate the proposed method.